Wood Carved Furniture | Spiralwood

Three Generations Of Spiralwood

The company is a family-owned enterprise specialized in wood sculpture with a manufacturing tradition of more than 130 years. We can trace back our origins to 1884. Passed from generation to generation, the art of carving wood into spiral elements reached a more evolved commercial potential in 1992 when the company was re-established and started to target new markets.

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The company is primarily specialized in the production of spiral-shaped balusters, designed to offer a luxurious design to homes, hotels or restaurants. However, the design and production of the balusters is usually just the initial step of a project. 

The company is able to offer to its partners and costumers matching furniture and wooden accessories integrating the same spiral shaped elements. The production process is composed partly of operations realized with special equipment designed and built by the company and part of operations realized manually by experienced sculptors.

Each product is carefully sculptured with special attention for details. The wood elements are usually made out of beech, but other wood essences can be used based on the request of the client or partner. The company is able to produce unique products or small series of the products mentioned above, the added value of each project being the unicity of the results.